QR Cream For Ankle Pain – QRCREAM-US

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Prevent ankle pain

The ligaments which surround and stabilize your ankle joint are full of nerves that tell your brain in what position the joint is. When these nerves are overstretched, because the ligaments they are in are overstretched, they send pain signals to your brain which is why ankle sprains hurt so much.  The best way to deal with the pain is to apply QR Cream. Because the ligaments are close to the skin, the mannitol in QR Cream can reach and calm the irritated nerves and stop their pain signal from reaching your brain. Wear an ankle brace to prevent the weakened ligaments from a sprain or tear from getting overstretched.

Inflammatory conditions (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout) also cause ankle arthritis.

The same receptor in the membrane of pain nerves that opens-up to start the pain signal going up the nerve to the brain also releases chemicals that produce inflammation when it is open. The mannitol in QR Cream shuts down this receptor. It stops the pain signal and reduces inflammation. Many people have noticed that as the mannitol in QR Cream relieved their pain, there was also less redness and swelling (less inflammation) around their joint.

Wear and tear arthritis can occur with:

  • Age when the girdle of tendons around the ankle is weakened so the ankle no longer tracks straight when it flexes and extends. This causes the bones on one side of the joint to rub together harder than those on the other so they wear down faster, which will cause arthritis
  • Weakness in the structures that stabilize your ankle: sprained or torn ligaments or tendons also causes uneven wear and arthritis. Weakness in what holds the ankle in place can be helped with an ankle brace.
  • Legs that are not straight also cause uneven wear: flat feet cause excessive wear on the outside of the ankle and a foot that is tilted outwards will cause the bones on the inside of the ankle to rub together. If your foot leans in too much it will cause knock knees and, you need an arch support.
  • If your foot tilts out too much, you will have bowlegs and you need a lift under the outside of your heel.
  • If you have Achilles tendinitis, use an arch support and a heel lift to reduce the work your Achilles tendon has to do as it lifts your foot off the ground with every step you take.
  • This can be helped with corrective orthotics, or you can make your own with Kleenex and duct tape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD5WQll-zi8&t=233s

QR Cream

  • Is safe to use
  • Is non greasy, fast
  • Absorbs well, rubs in easily
  • Provides long-lasting relief
  • Has unique, entirely new ingredients
  • Is natural, plant-based
  • Has a cumulative effect
  • The longer you use it, the less you’ll need it